
Fast Training that Fits Your Life

Want to advance your career but feel you lack the skills for the next level? Out of work or stuck in a job that pays low wages and leaves you feeling flat? We can help jumpstart your career.

Seattle Colleges’ micropathways programs and short-term certificates are designed to help you get from where you are to the next step of where you want to be – quickly and with as little disruption to your life as possible. 

images of students in Health IT, meeting, and construction settings

Direct Steps to Employment While Building Toward a Degree

Each micropathway can get you to a living-wage, in-demand job quickly. Not only that, credit-based courses are "stackable" – that means they count toward an associate and applied bachelor’s degree in a related area if and when you want to take your learning further. 

Learn more about any of these new micropathway programs by following the links below.