About Seattle Colleges

Seattle Colleges, a multicollege district, serves Seattle and its surrounding communities at three comprehensive college campuses and five specialty training centers.

 Chancellor and college presidents group photo collage

Leadership and Organization

Our chancellor, college presidents, and their teams work with our board of trustees to guide Seattle Colleges toward excellence.

 1972 construction of Seattle Community College

College History

The first classes were held in the Edison Vocational Technical Institute on Capitol Hill — opened in 1966 as part of the public school system.

 South Seattle College students in class taking notes

Mission, Strategic Plan, and Initiatives

As an open-access learning institution, Seattle Colleges prepares each student for success in life and work, fostering a diverse, engaged, and dynamic community.

 North Seattle College students sitting on front steps

Our Locations

Three colleges, five specialty centers, and a district office comprise Seattle Colleges.

 North Seattle College students working together taking notes in class

Academic Programs

You can study almost anything at Seattle Colleges. Our programs are organized by the Areas of Study.

 over 34 different first languages spoken

Facts and Figures

Seattle Colleges serves a diverse population of about 45,000 students each year.