Seattle Colleges Boilerplate

A boilerplate is a concise statement, usually no more than a paragraph, that highlights essential information about an organization. It is intended to offer a quick overview that can be used in various situations where time is short and space is limited. Following is a boilerplate for Seattle Colleges developed by District Communications and Strategic Initiatives along with boilerplates contributed by each college.

Seattle Colleges 

Seattle Colleges is Washington state’s largest community college district with approximately 30,000 students enrolled each year and 2,000 employees. It is composed of North Seattle College near Northgate, Seattle Central College on Capitol Hill, South Seattle College in West Seattle, and five specialty training centers across the city. Seattle Colleges offers more than 130 workforce education and training programs including bachelor’s degrees in high-growth industries, associate degrees in various disciplines, and transfer degrees to universities throughout the United States, as well as numerous certificate programs. For more information, visit

last updated January 24, 2023

North Seattle College

Established in 1970, North Seattle College provides learning opportunities for a diverse group of more than 10,000 students each year. North is the starting point for many students who transfer to top universities across the country. Strong academic preparation and advising services, small classes, an innovative integrated studies program, broad e-learning options and a variety of partnerships with four-year schools contribute to student success. North also offers six bachelor’s degrees: Accounting with an International focus, Application Development, Computer Science, Early Childhood Education, International Business, and Residential and Commercial Property Management. For more information, visit

last updated January 24, 2023

Seattle Central College

Seattle Central College offers college transfer, career training, continuing education, and basic studies programs to more than 10,000 students each year. Seattle Central also offers bachelor’s degrees in Applied Behavioral Science, Community Health and Education, Dental Hygiene, Health Care Services Management, and Respiratory Care. Established in 1966 as Seattle’s first community college, Seattle Central has grown into a thriving center for higher education in the heart of Washington’s largest city. While Seattle Central’s home is the vibrant Capitol Hill neighborhood, the college’s perspective is global, with the nation’s sixth-largest community or technical college international program, hosting more than 1,000 students from around the world each year. For more information, visit

last updated January 24, 2023

South Seattle College

Established in 1969 with an 87-acre main campus in West Seattle, South Seattle College serves as a portal of opportunity each year for nearly 9,000 students with diverse needs to meet their educational and career goals. South prepares students for immediate employment, successful transfer to four-year colleges and universities, and has the largest apprenticeship training program in the state at our Georgetown campus. South also offers bachelor’s degrees in Hospitality Management and Sustainable Building Science Technology. For more information, visit

last updated January 24, 2023