Seattle’s Learn and Work Ecosystem

Our long-term, collaborative approach leading a regional skillification effort has numerous downstream benefits to our community and our economy.

We have a translation problem. Because of the varied terminology and many methods used by K12, colleges and universities, nonprofit training providers, and employers to describe, capture, and honor learning, we cannot effectively “speak” to one another about skills and competencies.

As a result, the burden falls squarely on the shoulders of learners and workers—particularly immigrants, BIPOC, and people from low-income backgrounds—who must attempt to navigate through these muddy waters on their own. 

Skillification is the process by which curricula, transcripts, job postings, and job descriptions are translated into a shared, skills-based language that is adopted and shared across our regional learn and work ecosystem.

 students at computers in a discussion

Skillification Background and Next Steps

 Students in medical field in conversation

A Deeper Dive into Skills

 two people at computers giving a fist-bump and smiling

Skills and Equity

 students in construction and trades

How We’re Working Toward This Vision

 woman with microphone presenting to group

Additional Resources