The district procedures regarding student conduct and student discipline are generally set forth in Title 132F of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), chapter 132F-121, “Student Activities, Rights and Discipline”.

WAC 132F-121-100, “Student conduct generally”, covers the expectations of students and student responsibilities.

WAC 132F-121-110, “Student misconduct”, covers the types of misconduct for which the campuses may impose sanctions.

WAC 132F-121-120, “Instructor sanctions for course work dishonesty or classroom misconduct”, describes the steps that an instructor may take to address course-related or classroom misconduct.

WAC 132F-121-130, “Disciplinary jurisdiction”, describes the jurisdiction which the district asserts over student misconduct and how district discipline relates to possible court proceedings.

WAC 132F-121-140, “Initiation of Discipline”, covers who is responsible for the initial investigation and the process for initiating complaints against students who are believed to have violated the student conduct code.

WAC 132F-121-150, “Vice-president’s review and action”, covers the process followed by the vice-president for student services after conducting the initial investigation of possible misconduct and the range of potential actions that may be taken.

WAC 132F-121-160, “Disciplinary actions”, covers the disciplinary sanctions that may be imposed for violation of one or more specified provisions of the student conduct code and describes the notice given to the student of any such sanction.

WAC 132F-121-170, “Appeals and referrals generally”, covers the process for appealing the disciplinary sanctions imposed by the vice-president for student services.

WAC 132F-121-180, “Student conduct committee”, covers the membership and other details related to the college student conduct committees that hear all disciplinary cases that are referred by the vice-president for student services or appealed to it by a student.

WAC 132F-121-190, “Student conduct committee hearings — in general”, covers the student conduct committee hearing process including advance written notice requirements, background material, potential witnesses and exhibits, communication protocol and optional representation by an attorney.

WAC 132F-121-200, “Student conduct committee hearings — Presentations of evidence”, covers the rules for running the hearings and presenting evidence.

WAC 132F-121-210, “Student conduct committee initial order”, covers the process for concluding the student conduct committee hearing and issuing an initial order that covers findings of facts and a determination on appropriate discipline, if any.

WAC 132F-121-220, “President’s review and final college order”, covers the process that either the student or the vice-president for student services can use to file written argument with the college president and the procedure for the president either to enter the final college order or to instruct the committee to conduct further proceedings.

WAC 132F-121-230, “Reestablishment of academic standing after successful appeal”, covers ways a student can reestablish his/her academic standing when a disciplinary sanction was appealed and not upheld.

WAC 132F-121-240, “Reinstatement after suspension or expulsion”, covers the process a student who has been suspended or expelled may use to request reinstatement as an enrolled student.

WAC 132F-121-250, “Summary and emergency suspensions”, covers the process for imposing a summary or emergency suspension as part of a suspension or expulsion. These sanctions may be imposed when necessary to prevent or avoid immediate disruption, danger, or other harm to the educational process or to the health, safety, or welfare of any member(s) of the public, including the district community.

WAC 132F-121-260, “Maintenance of student discipline records”, covers the standards for maintenance and disposal of records for all completed disciplinary cases.

Copies of chapter 132F-121 WAC may be obtained from the college vice president for student services’ office or accessed on the Web at

Adoption Date : 1984/01/09
Revision Date : 2004/01/26