Seattle College District Procedure
621.10 Pursuant to Policy 108, the Board of Trustees has delegated purchasing and contracting authority to the Chancellor, who has further delegated authority to the Vice Chancellor for Finance & Operations Purchasing Department staff, and campus community. The level of delegated authority is as follows:
Chancellor ................................................ $250,000
Vice Chancellor for Finance & Operations.................. $150,000
Director of Purchasing .................................... $100,000
Senior Buyer .............................................. $ 75,000
Buyer ..................................................... $ 50,000
Procurement Card Users ................................... $ 3,500
621.20 The Purchasing Department, designated as the Procurement Authority for the Seattle College District (SCD), is responsible to purchase goods and services following all the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations. The SCD purchasing and contracting policies and procedures shall be consistent with SCD policy 621. Purchasing provides guidelines on its Intranet webpage.
621.30 Purchases not conforming to the purchasing procedures may not be considered binding upon SCD. Any obligation arising from an unauthorized purchase will become the responsibility of the individual placing the order.
621.40 The campus community, needing to acquire any commodity, provides funding authority to Purchasing by completion of a purchase requisition which contains required approvals. Each purchase requisition should consist of detailed specifications of product or detailed scope of services.
621.50 Purchasing of goods and services of an on-going, continuous nature cumulatively above direct buy authority within the fiscal year are subject to competition according to DES policies and SCD guidelines. The Purchasing Department seeks competition to develop long-term and District-wide contracts that offer the best pricing for the Seattle Colleges.
621.60 Approved Procurement Card Users throughout SCD have authority to obtain the best pricing and to buy goods or services up to $3,500, including shipping & handling charges and taxes, by the use of their Procurement Cards. The Card Holders are required to adhere to the Procurement Card guidelines and restrictions as described in the Purchasing’s Intranet webpage.
621.70 Purchasing holds the original SCD purchasing and contract documents in accordance with State Records Management guidelines.
Chancellor’s Cabinet – Revision & Adoption History
Adopted: 1/5/2009
Revised: 5/12/2014
Revised: 2/22/2023
Companion Document : Pol
Adoption Date : 2009/01/05
Revision Date : 2014/05/12
Revision Date: 2023/04/13
Chancellor’s Cabinet – Revision & Adoption History
Adopted: 1/5/2009
Revised: 5/12/2014
Revised: 2/22/2023
Companion Document : Pol
Adoption Date : 2009/01/05
Revision Date : 2023/02/22