Seattle College District Procedure
- 479.10.01 Full time exempt administrative employees shall accrue vacation leave at the rate of sixteen (16) hours per month for each month of completed service. The District has the authority to deviate from the state-mandated schedule for public employee vacation under RCW 43.01.042.
- 479.10.02 Exempt employees may begin using their accrued vacation benefit in their first year. Paid vacation may not be used in advance of accrual.
- 479.10.03 Exempt employees who work 50% or more shall accrue vacation leave benefits at the same rate as their employment schedule bears to a full-time schedule.
- 479.10.04 Requests for using paid vacation must be made to the employee’s supervisor in advance of using the benefit. Approval of vacation requests is dependent on operational needs of the individual department.
- 479.10.05 All accrued vacation should be used within one (1) year. For the calendar year ending in 2022 an extension will be granted to allow staff to carry over vacation exceeding 352 hours until December 31, 2023. There is no limit to the amount of hours an exempt employee may accrue, but any hours exceeding 352 will not be paid out upon termination or retirement from the District.
- 479.10.06 SCD will accept transfer of up to 192 accrued vacation hours by an exempt employee newly hired by the District from another state agency.
- 479.10.07 Upon termination or retirement from the District, unused, accrued vacation will be paid up to a maximum of 352 hours, and/or at the discretion of the appointing authority, be required for use prior to the last day of employment.
- 479.10.08 Any payment made for vacation accruals at the time of termination or retirement may be credited toward State retirement benefits, if applicable, not to exceed 240 hours. All other vacation payments will not count toward retirement benefits.
479.20 Other Leaves
- 479.20.01 All other leave procedures for exempt employees are covered under Administrative Leave policies 473, 474, and 476.
Chancellor’s Cabinet – Revision & Adoption History
Adopted: 5/20/1999
Revised: 10/13/2008
Revised: 5/13/2013
Revised: 10/15/2020
Revised: 10/25/2021
Revised: 11/16/2022
Companion Document : Pol
Adoption Date : 1999/05/20
Revision Date : 2022/11/16