Seattle College District Procedure
NUMBER: 474.10 - .30
TITLE: Bereavement Leave - Exempt Employees
474.10 Bereavement leave shall be granted in the case of the death of any of the following members of the employee's family: spouse, domestic partner, children, mother, father, siblings, adopted and/or dependent children, grandfather, grandmother, or in-laws.
474.20 This leave is not cumulative but may be used as the occasion requires.
474.30 In the event of out-of-state- travel, an additional amount of leave up to five (5) days may be granted by the appointing authority.
Chancellor’s Cabinet – Revision & Adoption History
Adopted: 12/6/1976
Revised: 3/23/2009
Companion Document : Pol
Adoption Date : 1976/12/06
Revision Date : 2009/03/23