390.10 The appropriate college or districtwide human subjects review committee determines the value of the proposed research, evaluation, or data project and its implication for the students and the campus.

390.20 The president or vice chancellor for academic and student services shall e establish a human subjects review committee to review the proposed research to evaluate the legitimacy of the project and its suitability for participation by students

390.30 The human subjects review committee makes the final decision whether the research, evaluation, or data project is conducted.

390.40  Students have the right to choose whether or not they will participate in research, evaluation, or data project activities when a requirement of participation includes use of inventories, surveys, interviews, focus group sessions, or other forms of interaction. Students can elect to participate in some or all of the activities related to a research, evaluation, or data project and can elect to not participate in any or all related activities.

390.50 When active participation is involved,  a signed written or electronic consent form should be obtained to ensure consent to participate and approval of disclosure or assurances of confidentiality. .

390.60  The participant may receive a copy of research results upon request.

390.70 When active participation is involved, appropriate safeguards demand that all policies and procedures relative to the use of human subjects be followed. (Policy 530)

Companion Document : Pol
Adoption Date : 1984/01/09
Revision Date : 2021/03/11