Seattle College District Procedure
212.10 Employees authorized to contact the State Attorney General's Office directly are:
Chancellor and/or their designee
Vice Chancellor, Instruction and Student Success
Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration
Vice Chancellor, Information Technology
Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
President/Vice Chancellor, North Seattle College and/or designee
President/Vice Chancellor, Seattle Central College and/or designee
President/Vice Chancellor, South Seattle College and/or designee
Director, Human Resources, North Seattle College
Director, Human Resources, Seattle Central College
Director, Human Resources, South Seattle College
Vice President, Administrative Services, North Seattle College and/or designee
Vice President Administrative Services, Seattle Central and/or designee
Vice President Administrative Services, South Seattle and/or designee
Vice President Student Services, North Seattle College and/or designee
Vice President Student Services, Seattle Central College and/or designee
Vice President Student Services, South Seattle College and/or designee
Vice President, Instruction, North Seattle College and/or designee
Vice President, Instruction, Seattle Central College and/or designee
Vice President, Instruction, South Seattle College and/or designee
Director, ComplianceAll other persons having legal questions should route their inquiries to the appropriate above-named individuals.
- 212.20 If emergency situations occur, affected personnel may contact the Attorney General's Office.
- 212.30 Seattle College District employees and students requesting information concerning District legal matters should forward such requests through the appropriate campus or district administrator listed above.
Chancellor’s Cabinet – Revision & Adoption History
Adopted: 4/6/1981
Revised: 6/11/1993
Revised: 11/8/2021
Companion Document : Pol
Adoption Date : 1981/04/05
Revision Date : 2021/11/08