Seattle Colleges Strategic Plan 2017-23 website:


  • Accessibility for all learners and partners
  • Collaboration through open communication and commitment to working together
  • Diversity, inclusion, and equity for all individuals, particularly the under-served, in our community
  • Fiscal sustainability for long-term viability and excellence in service and operations
  • Growth and engagement of faculty and staff through professional development
  • Innovation in instruction, student services, operations, and organizational culture
  • Integrity by adhering to the highest standards of ethics and public stewardship


  1. Student Success: The success of our students is the central focus of Seattle Colleges. We strive to make steady gains in improving student satisfaction, retention, completion, job placement, and narrowing student performance gaps.
  2. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Community: At Seattle Colleges, we firmly establish equity, diversity, and inclusion as a strategic goal and as human rights for all. We frame our decisions and actions with a lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion and are accountable to the community.
  3. Organizational Excellence: Seattle Colleges aspires to achieve excellence as Seattle’s open-admission institution of higher education. We seek to achieve continuous improvements in excellence in teaching and learning, operational efficiency and fiscal sustainability, strategic innovation, employee growth and engagement, and diversity and inclusion.
  4. Partnerships: As an important engine of economic development, Seattle Colleges values and invests in strategic and ongoing partnerships with educational, business, governmental, labor, and community organizations.

Companion Document : Pol
Adoption Date : 1993/06/01
Revision Date : 2018/02/08