**On January 8th, 2024, a federal ruling null and voided the 2024 Title IX regulations, and we are reverting to the 2020 Title regulations - links are at the bottom of this policy. For any Title IX violations that occurred on or after January 9th, we will follow the 2020 Title IX Regulations. We are still seeking clarity of any allegations that occured from August 1, 2024 thru January 8th, 2025 and if they are to now follow the 2020 Title IX regulations or the 2024. We will update this policy and procedure as soon as allowable.**

Seattle Colleges recognizes its responsibility to investigate, resolve, implement supportive and corrective measures, and monitor the educational environment and workplace to effectively stop, remediate, and prevent discrimination on the basis of sex, as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, and Washington State’s Law Against Discrimination, and their implementing regulations.
Title IX requires institutions to protect all students, faculty, staff, and a person other than a student or employee during the course of Seattle Colleges activity or program or while attempting to participate in a school activity or program from sex discrimination and sex-based harassment, This Policy applies to all students, employees and person other than a student or employee of Seattle Colleges.

Consistent with the U.S. Department of Education’s regulations under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) (see 34 C.F.R. § 106 et seq.), the Seattle Colleges prohibits sex discrimination, and sex-based harassment, that occurs within its education programs and activities. For purposes of this policy, Sex-based Harassment includes Quid Pro Quo Harassment, Hostile Environment, and Sexual Violence as defined in 34 C.F.R. § 106.30
To this end, Seattle Colleges prohibits sex discrimination, and sex-based harassment, occurring within its education programs and activities and has adopted grievance and disciplinary procedures for investigating claims of sex discrimination, and sex-based harassment and disciplining students and employees found responsible for violating this policy.

Any individual found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the College or from employment. Further, the Seattle District College is committed to ensuring that all employees and students work and learn in an environment that fosters mutual respect and professionalism. Student discipline for violation of Title IX Policy 283 is addressed under WAC 132F-121-270 through WAC 132F-121-350. The following procedures for 283 apply to allegations that occurred on or after August 1, 2024. For incidents that occurred on or before July 31, 2024, please consult the previous policies and procedures.

This policy applies only to sex discrimination, and sex-based harassment, that is actionable under federal rules adopted to implement Title IX and are subject to the jurisdictional limits and definitions of the College’s Procedure 283 - Title IX Grievance Procedures. Other forms of harassment that are not covered by Title IX are addressed by the Seattle Colleges  Policy 282 - Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying.


Companion Document : Pro
Adoption Date : 2023/05/11
Revision Date : 2024/08/01