As covered under the above authority, Seattle College District VI shall authorize only those District Enterprise activities that provide goods, services or facilities to students, faculty, staff and invited guests, and which meet one of the following criteria:

  1. The goods, services or facilities are consistent with the institution's instructional or public service mission.
  2. Provision of the goods, services, or facilities on campus represents a special convenience to and supports the campus community, or facilitates extracurricular or public service.
  3. Fees charged for the goods, services, or facilities take into account the full direct and indirect costs.

Seattle Colleges will have an Enterprise Activities Committee which shall carry out the following responsibilities:

  1. Review existing activities for compliance with the law.
  2. Respond to inquiries or concerns from local businesses and prepare recommendations to the president/vice chancellor or executive director in response to such inquiries.

The campus president/vice chancellor or executive director will review the recommendation of the Enterprise Committee and make final response.

Adoption Date : 1989/07/13
Revision Date : 2017/02/09